Thrive with Data Tutoring
Rose Data Studio offers tutoring for Professionals and Graduate students using data for work and completing courses that use R, SAS, SPSS, Stata, SQL, Excel, and Tableau.
With our focus on data literacy, expertise in population health analytics, and a strong foundation in statistics, you will not only gain knowledge of how to work through problems, but also an understanding of how your coursework connects to real-world research and data analytics.
The Ideal Student
The ideal Rose Data Studio tutoring client:
enjoys learning
balances school with other life priorities
is open to new approaches to mastering statistics and data concepts
We work with adult learners and people who returned to school after a break, whether they are taking statistics for the 1st or 4th time.​
Why Rose Data Studio?
Learn about our tutoring framework
A tutor who emphasizes building a strong data foundation
Lead tutor Asya Spears has been tutoring math and statistics since 2008 and was voted as Best Biostatistics TA at UCLA in 2013. Since then, she has created data science learning experiences that teach fundamentals to people of all backgrounds.
She earned her BS in Mathematics, MS in Biostatistics, and is currently pursuing a PhD with a focus on STEM Education and data skills acquisition.
Our sessions are priced at $200 USD per hour, and we can create customized packages based on the length of your course or data project. Let's work together to find the perfect solution for your needs!
Whether you are taking your course over a quarter, semester, or summer term, you will have the support you need from your first assignment through your final.
Schedule a tutoring consultation
In this $50 half-hour, connect with Asya to share more about your course and/or project goals, receive resources that address your immediate needs, and determine if we should move forward with additional tutoring sessions.